Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 1

Here I am writing my weekly update about working on a one woman show and studying comedy. Believe me it is harder that it seems because if you don't have that knack you can go no where. I am still trying to find that my knack. I know it is there but I have misplaced it when I took a year off for the Ireland program.

I have started to write my one woman show and that has been a hoot. Mostly because I have to figure out what kind of comedian I want to be. Am I a one-liner kind of gal or a full story lass. That has left to be determined. Mostly I am focusing on just writing what comes to mind then figuring where to go from there. My goal right now is 20 pages of material. I have two pages! WOOT! I am on fire! It will be good though, I feel really positive about this.