Friday, April 30, 2010

Anger is one thing. Crying is another!

I have no idea what came over me last night. That led me to leave class in a flurry and escape to a standing stone that is off the beaten path. I felt like I was on the verge of tears, could bite anyones head off or even scream at the top of my lungs. Where do you go to scream in a town that is so small someone is going to get worried. I don't know what to do at this point. So I just left class in a hurry and walked to a standing stone that is called the courting stone. There is a hole in the top that a couple join fingers through to show everlasting love for one another.

I felt as though I couldn't pay anything to the stone seeing as I was there alone. I asked it what it had to offer me. If it could help with how angry and distressed I was feeling. It offered no solutions, I mean what did I expect I was talking to a rock. When I realized this I burst into tears and sat against the stone hoping for something to light my thoughts. As my eyes were closed, tears trickling down my cheeks I hear something move in the grass near my feet. I let one of my eyes open trying to squint through the tears. Low and behold a badger was sniffing my shoes! I tried to be really still and just stare at the awe that was this animal that I've never seen alive. Also along the side of a road gasping for a bit of air to survive. I accidently sneezed (stupid allergies) and it ran away. That badger for some reason gave me hope, I'm not quite sure but after that encounter I felt a lot better. By this time it was already dark and all I had to guide me home was the moon and the lights of the far off Church of Ireland.

As bats circled above and more badgers scampering in and out of the gorse I made my way back to my cottage. I was able to sleep that night with a sound mind and tear free.

I just want to say this, Even though you are in the place you have always wanted to be it doesn't mean you are free of the emotions that haunt your daily life.

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